
About Me

Hi, I am Su; woman responsible for extremely infrequent blog posting.

I started this blog back in January 2011 over a glass of wine. You can read why and how I got it started here.
I relocated myself to England from Seoul, South Korea in 2000. 
I live in west London with my husband, Toby who happens to be an established photographer in food and drinks, and our daughter, Kiki who loves seeing the world upside down than right way up.

I share stories of motherhood, family and food from my humble kitchen. If you read my blog, you may already know, I recently quit my day job following what I call an post natal identity crisis. I am currently working on creating garments for modern family using linen and selvedge denim, that gets better with the age and wear; designed and made in UK 

I am not a chef but a passionate cook who likes to throw a decent spread occasionally.
I advocate my father's ethos of family who eat together stay together, and would love nothing more than just to be able to pass on my belief to my darling daughter. 
I am secretly a hippie at heart and love being barefoot.

I don't tend to do product reviews as such, but the products used and loved in my kitchen will be shouted out loud with my own free will. I am however, interested in collaborating with the products and brands I genuinely believe in.

Thanks for dropping by.